Two Days In Wales

Wednesday 24th & Thursday 25th April

A couple of days off work, the weather looked dry but cold, so on the bike it was!

My bike went in for its first service a few weeks ago. Luckily, I had one service left on my service plan before it ran out, so before I started using it, I thought a service would be appropriate. I also wanted to change my tyres as I had some trips planned that might involve some gravel roads, and the standard tyres I had on the bike didn't feel up to the job. The Dunlops that came with the bike felt okay, but they didn’t give me much confidence, especially in the wet. After riding home from work one day, the back end was twitching a lot! I also fancied making my bike look more like a scrambler too; either way, it was time for a change! So, after a lot of research and reading reviews, I decided to go with the Pirelli MT60 RS. They are grippy tyres, but the downside is they don't last that long. Most reviews I read said they only last 3000-5000 miles, so it will be interesting to see how long they last for me.

As soon as I got them, though, they felt worlds apart from the Dunlops. The grip was better, the bike rides and handles better, and it feels smoother over bumps somehow too. They have given me much more confidence on the road and on uneven surfaces. It has transformed the bike. I am really pleased with them.

A couple of weeks ago, I had a few days off work, so I decided to plan a trip. Having two days off work in a row is a rarity these days! My riding road wish list had two places I wanted to visit for a while: Devil's Staircase and Lynn Brianne on day one, and Devil's Bridge and Elan Valley on day two. I had not been to either but knew there were some great roads for both days.

When I first got my new bike, I found a new app called Scenic, which is great; it has lots of features, and the navigation is excellent! I have used a few apps for navigation, and they haven't been the best, especially when you have waypoints to reach—it never quite gets you there. But this one, on the other hand, does the job. I had a free trial for this trip, which was even better, but I think I will invest in the yearly subscription for £49.99 (at the time of writing). It sounds a lot, but if you're going to use it, it makes sense. Keep an eye out for my post specifically on the Scenic app.

My pannier was packed the day before with all the essentials. I finished work a little earlier that day and went to my friend's in the evening. I don't think I would have left early enough if I hadn't prepared the afternoon before. It didn't take long, though, and the GIVI pannier was quite easy to attach to the saddle strap. I think it looks rather good too! I always stop and just look at it for a bit—I swear sometimes I spend more time looking at it than riding it! I'm biased, but I do think it's a good-looking bike.

On the morning of my adventure, day one, I was ready to leave just after 8. I had just put all my gear on when my body decided I needed the toilet! I had already been twice to make sure before I set off, as I hadn't checked where or if there were any toilets. I assumed there wouldn’t be, as I would be quite remote at points. Bikers will understand this, but getting your gear on and off for the toilet, especially for a number two, is not the most comfortable. And when you’re in a public toilet, it’s even worse, as you're wider and fatter (maybe that's just me!) with your gear on. The cubicles are so tight you have to shimmy yourself around to get your gear off and get yourself in the right position. Let me tell you, it’s quite an art, and if you are in a hurry, you have to be a ninja to get your kit off!

After I had finally finished my calls of nature, it was time to get on the move. This might sound strange, but I seemed nervous before I set off. This was my first real trip on my own on the bike in not-so-great weather, but at least it was dry. Even though I wasn't going far, it was a nervous excitement—a bit of the unknown and pushing myself to do something on my own too. I had only ever really done day trips myself. Although I had done a lot of riding, they had just been day trips on my own or with family or friends. I was looking forward to it, though.

I was a bit apprehensive on my journey to Abergwesyn Valley. I was using the Scenic app, but every time I looked down, I thought the journey wasn't getting any shorter and wondered if the navigation wasn't working or if I was riding too slowly! But it did get me to the location, and arriving at this stunning stretch of road was breathtaking. I had to stop just to admire the view for a few moments and take a few photos. The sun was out, and the bike looked good at the side of the road. There was nothing in sight either—in fact, I only passed two cars the whole journey. I had the roads to myself, which made it even more special!

As I rode through all the twists and turns of the vast countryside, I wasn't expecting to get to Lynn Brianne, one of the largest dams in the UK at a mere 300 feet. The photos I have included really don't do it justice—I don't think I have seen a dam quite like it! I think it would be great fun to go down it on a huge rubber ring too!

'A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step!'

Seafront Palace

Couldn't resist a Chinese from town in the evening whilst at the caravan. Salt, pepper, and chilli chips! I should have just stopped at that, but my eyes were bigger than my belly, and I went for the chicken chow mein as well! I couldn't eat it all; I was so stuffed, but I managed to devour a bar of Dairy Milk an hour or so later!

Worth a look though: Seafront Palace in Aberystwyth. The food was great, and I didn't have to wait long!


The next morning, I was awake from 6 am listening to the rain lashing down on the caravan. It was relaxing listening to the gentle taps on the roof. However, it also made me wonder if it was worth going out if the weather was going to be wet and miserable all day. Luckily, it only lasted half an hour and then it seemed to clear up. So, I rolled out of bed after my giant meal the night before and got myself ready. Surprisingly, it didn't take me that long to put everything back together. I should mention I do have a bit of OCD, so I like things to be organised. I am not mega obsessive, but I do like things a certain way, usually to make things more efficient!

Although getting ready was quick and easy, my stomach, on the other hand, wasn't. Really, I should have known better with IBS. Eating certain foods and fatty foods is not the best idea, and after eating chicken chow mein, chilli chips, and a large bar of Dairy Milk, I felt a bit disgusting! But nevertheless, I did my business and went on my way.

I really didn't learn my lesson either! My first stop of the ride was the Two Hoots Café in Devil's Bridge for a full English breakfast. It wouldn't make my stomach any better, but I couldn't resist. I had heard good things about them. I should have just gone for a bacon butty, but I went for the full English—no, sorry, LARGE English! It was bostin'. I wasn't sure my poor bike could cope with the extra weight after that! The café, however, was lovely, the staff were nice, and it was done out nicely. I enjoyed the whole experience, and I even sat outside.

After breakfast, it was back on the bike to make my way to Elan Valley, and oh my goodness, the roads were epic. They weren't fast at some points, but that didn't bother me as the view was amazing. It just felt like it went on forever! I also went past a campsite on the way, between Rhayader and Cwmystwyth alongside the banks of the River Ystwyth (Tyllwyd Campsite). I shall have to look into that and spend a night or two there and do some filming! It looks lovely! (

The ride wasn't as long as I thought to get to Elan Valley, or at least to the visitor centre. The rain was still holding off, and despite it being cold, I was doing okay. My heated grips were also working their magic. The bike was so flickable around the endless amount of corners.

It was then a short ride up to the reservoir, and as you came up to it, there was a turning on the right to go to the top of the dam, or if you went straight on, it would take you to the bottom of the reservoir with the car park and a much-needed toilet break! Only the fourth time today, whoops!

I chatted to a few people whilst I was there. It seemed wherever I stopped, someone wanted to talk to me about their biking days, which was nice.

Elan Valley was amazing. It was massive, and looking at it from the top was even better! I also noticed the Cliffordd Byway when I was at the top, a gravel road that stretches nearly 9 miles and is open, which is very tempting to try sometime. I watched some YouTube videos when I got home, and it looks brilliant, so I think that will be on the cards at some point.

After I had finished taking in all the beauty around me, it was time to leave for my 2-hour journey back home. There were lots of lovely sweeping roads to keep me entertained on the way.

Even on a naked bike, I never found the journey tiring, and I didn't ache either, probably because of the extras I have on my bike, including the handlebar risers and my Oxford air seat (, which made the journey so much better, as the standard seat makes me ache after about an hour.

I felt so far away and away for such a long time, but when I got home, it felt like I had blinked and missed it! It doesn't matter if the journey is great or small; it's all an adventure to me, and I loved every minute. I can't wait to do the next one! I will, of course, be coming back here too!

Thanks for reading, and look out for my next blog! And don't forget to check out my YouTube channel. Yes, I am doing one, and yes, it's my first time, so it should be interesting!

Sugar Puff